7875 Black Hawk Road

Black Hawk, SD 57718


Archived Projects


Yorktown Blvd.

Pavement Installation


Owner – Pete Lien & Sons, Inc.

Prime Contractor – Tru-Form Construction, Inc. 

Pete Lien & Sons contracted us to install the new road entering into their new batch plant. They are currently building the batch plant off Liberty Boulevard in Box Elder, South Dakota.

Drone Footage:


Pavement Restoration

US Hwy 16/SD Hwy 44/SD Hwy 231


Prime Contractor – Tru-Form Construction, Inc.

This is a South Dakota Department of Transportation project. Tru-Form is the prime contractor for the Panel replacement project for the SDDOT in various locations in and around Rapid City. This is an example of the high vehicle and pedestrian traffic areas where the work is being done.

5th Street Panel Repair Minnesota to Stumer

Prime Contractor – Tru-Form Construction, Inc.

Panel repair on 5th Street from Minnesota to Stumer. Project consists of removing and replacing concrete panels due to cracking and settling.

Intersection Modification & Lighting on Hwy 79 & Spring Creek Road

Prime Contractor – Tru-Form Construction, Inc.
Project Completed June 2022

This is a South Dakota Department of Transportation project. Tru-Form is building a turn lane that includes fill dirt work, concrete paving and  street lighting. This upgrade should help the flow of traffic on the highway when vehicles are turning towards Hart Ranch.

5th Street Panel Repair Minnesota to Stumer


Prime Contractor – Tru-Form Construction, Inc.

Panel repair on 5th Street from Minnesota to Stumer. Project consists of removing and replacing concrete panels due to cracking and settling.

 West Saint Louis Street Pavement Rehabilitation

Prime Contractor – Tru-Form Construction, Inc.

Pavement rehabilitation from 32nd Street to Saint Onge Street on W. Saint Louis. Tru-Form Construction, Inc. will be removing and replacing all asphalt, sub-grade, concrete curb & gutter, and  concrete sidewalk. 


Box Culvert


Prime Contractor – Tru-Form Construction, Inc.

Tru-Form Construction put in a box culvert on a ranch south of Hermosa for a long-time customer.  

I-90 Exit 37

On Ramp & Off Ramp Pavement Installation


Owner – SDDOT

Prime Contractor – Complete Concrete, Inc.

Complete Concrete requested some assistance on their DOT project, so they could get the roads opened up before the rally. TFC was happy to help and get these ramps in quickly. Our thanks to Complete Concrete for the opportunity.


Dyess Ave.


Seger Dr. to City Limits


Owner – City of Rapid City

Prime Contractor – RCS Construction Inc

RCS Construction subcontracted TFC to do the paving on their Dyess Ave reconstruction project.

Elmwood House

Prime Contractor – Tru-Form Construction, Inc.

Tru-Form Construction built a spec house for KaMa LLC.

12th Street Reconstruction West Main to Fulton St.

2021 Subcontract with Simon Contractors

Project involved PCC paving, sidewalks, fillets & pans, handicap ramps & storm inlets. Project began Spring of 2021 and was completed in 2022.



Prime Contractor – Tru-Form Construction, Inc.

2021 Current Contract in Belle Fourche

Project involves handicapped access panel installation and the re-routing of traffic lanes at the intersection of Highways 34 & 85. Including curb and gutter, PCC paving, lights & signals and the removal of the existing merge lanes.

2020 Miscellaneous Improvements Projects

2021 Subcontract with Simon Contractors

Completed November 2021

This project involved multiple areas of construction, including paving at the landfill. TFC was a subcontractor under the prime contractor, Simon Contractors.

East Blvd North

Completed May 2021

Tru-Form Construction was a subcontractor on this 3-year project which involved constructing new curbs and gutters, storm inlets, a flap gate, colored sidewalks, and over 30,000 square yards of PCC paving.

SDDOT Hwy 79 Turning Lane

Completed October 2020

This project consisted of constructing a new turning lane to the Rapid City Landfill off of Hwy 79. Tru-Form was responsible for the removals, dirtwork, and paving on the project under the prime contractor, Simon Contractors.

Tower Road Project

Completed October 2020

Pavement rehabilitation project that involved removal and replacement of asphalt and concrete and the installation of under-drain.

Western Dakota Tech Siding Replacement

Completed June 2020

Replacing selected damaged metal siding. Tru-Form was the general contractor. This project was completed in less than three weeks.

Houston Street

Completed May 2020

Tru-Form Construction was a subcontractor on this project which involved approximately 2000 cubic yards of PCC paving. All 2000 yards were completed within a 1 month window.

L.O.V.E. Inc

Completed April 2020

Tru-Form Construction worked with L.O.V.E. Inc. on their building on Omaha Street to remove sections of parking lot and replace with PCC paving, curb and gutter and sidewalks. Tru-Form donated the materials and equipment.

Disk Dr and Haines Ave Intersection

Completed April 2020

Tru-Form Construction was the prime contractor on this project. The project involved the removal and replacement of PCC paving on the entire intersection with new traffic signals.

Jungck House

Completed April 2020

Tru-Form Construction was the prime contractor for this project. We worked with the owners to provide a quality project while keeping costs to a minimum.